Biennial/triennial studies
This paper presents the findings and conclusions of four sub-national studies on the quality of primary education in Uganda, Madagascar, Mozambique, and Tanzania. In each country, a survey has been conducted on 30 schools. The conclusions suggest...
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Conference paper
The principal aim of the study is to determine the fundamental charachteristics of schools in a region which, if they were improved, could raise the level of studies (students?). the process of this study also enables the development of local actor...
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Conference paper
ADEA, MoEC, UNESCO and CIDA financed this local study on 'Characteristics of Effective Primary Schools in Singida Region of Tanzania' which has enabled a team of 19 local educators from the four districts of Singida region to identify...
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Conference paper
In 2005, Action Aid and the Global Campaign for Education undertook the largest-ever survey to systematise experience of effective methods in adult literacy and the cost of quality literacy programmes: 67 successful literacy programmes in 35...
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Conference paper
Many people would think that the notions of literacy and lifelong learning have nothing in common. In fact, most people - including many education specialists - think of literacy as a short, remedial, non-formal educational provision for poor youth...
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Conference paper
The central argument of this paper is as follows: today's problems cannot be solved with yesterday's ways of thinking. Mobilization for literacy is entering a period of rare uncertainty, and this paradox alone requires courageous...
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Conference paper
The policy discourse of Lifelong Learning was introduced in the international scene in the seventies with the Faure Report issued by UNESCO in 1972. Since then, the discourse of lifelong learning has been interpreted in different ways Briefly...
Document format
Conference paper
This paper explores the extent to which the varied literacy provisions in Uganda are offering a holistic lifelong learning perspective examining (i) the program structure and its link to continuing education, (ii) the current methodology and its...
Document format
Conference paper
The Jomtien conference in 1990 confirmed a break-up of the ""monopoly"" position of formal education by granting an increasingly important role to non-formal education. Fifteen years later, however, questions still remain...
Document format
Conference paper
This study examines the ""faire-faire"" strategy in the field of literacy training, now employed in a number of African countries after being launched in Senegal. It analyzes both the concept, placing it in a context of emergence...
Document format
Conference paper