AU Outlook on Education Report: East African Community 2009
On a biannual basis, the African Union produces an assessment of progress that countries have made in implementing the plan in seven priority areas. In this interim report, only five of the seven priority areas are reviewed, as essential nationally sourced data for two of the areas – curriculum, teaching and learning materials, and technical and vocational education and training – are not comprehensively available at present.
The data used to derive the indicators for measuring progress in the other five priority areas were largely obtained from international sources, such as the UNESCO Institute for Statistics. These data were uploaded in February 2009 and updated in November 2009. As the benchmark year for the AU Plan of Action is 2006, data for 2006 and 2007 were compared.
Like all other AU regions, EAC countries lack data for many of the required indicators. This affects the quality of the analysis and the validity of the generalizations made. Despite these challenges, the report has attempted to provide a wide-ranging and insightful analysis