Technical education
This working paper is based on a literature review and country case studies in six sub-Saharan African countries: Eritrea, Mali, Namibia, Senegal, South Africa,and Tanzania. It looks at the role of secondary education and training inpromoting health...
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Conference paper
School enterprises, which combinemarket production with systematic vocational learning, bring conventionalschools and vocational institutes closer to the realities of life, particularly theworld of work and self-employment.The paper: a) examines the...
Document format
Conference paper
This study was based on the results of a field survey conducted in four countries:Benin, Togo, Senegal and Mali. This research came after a study by the AFDon vocational training in the informal sector, which showed that the traditionaleducational...
Document format
Conference paper
The purpose of the case study is to identify ways in which governments andother stakeholders may contribute to successful entrepreneurship education.The main objective is to determine whether a particular emphasis and effortin the preparation of...
Document format
Conference paper
This paper focuses on Technical Vocational Education and Training, one of thepriority area defined by the Government of Mozambique. The paper recognizes that, despite TVET's unquestionable contribution to the development of skilled manpower...
Document format
Conference paper
This paper deals with a vocational training experiment conducted in Congo in a specific industrial sector, the food processing sector. The context in whichthe PRIMTAF project was created is first described in terms of the country'sgeneral economic...
Document format
Conference paper