Thematic synthesis report (sub-theme 2): Skills Development and the World of Work: Challenges for Education and Training
This report focuses on the educational and vocational training measures and schemes which need to be set up to endow all youths with the knowledge and skills they require to facilitate their efficient transition to the labour market.The authors of this report analyse ongoing reforms in African countries, stressingthe following needs:Extending the concept of post-primary vocational training to all the variousformal, informal and non-formal professionalising and qualifying paths;Adopting a more coherent, decentralized and coordinated approach to thegovernance of vocational education and training;Finding new modes of operation and larger financial sources to ensure equitableaccess for all to vocational training and transition to work;Finding new modes of accreditation and qualification so that the legitimacyand the efficiency of the various professionalising pathways are duly recognized.The challenge is therefore to facilitate the access of all young Africans to a level ofqualification and employment enabling them to live decently and to participateactively in the creation of a durable future for the African continent.