Thematic synthesis report (sub-theme 1): Towards 9-10 years Education For All: Promising Policies and Strategies
This report focuses on the educational and vocational training measures and schemes which need to be set up to endow all youths with the knowledge and skills they require to facilitate their efficient transition to the labour market. The authors of this report analyse ongoing reforms in African countries, Adoption of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the prioritization of universal primary education have led to a rapid increase in primary enrolments in many African countries. This along with high population growth has resulted in increasing demand for access to post-primary education and competition for public resources. This thematic synthesis report aims to provide a brief presentation of key issues underlying Africa's transition to 9-10 years of basic education for all. It also highlights selected best practices (as presented in the country case studies) and key issues raised in studies submitted by NGOs and international development partners commissioned under sub-theme 1 for the 2008 ADEA Biennale.