Lessons learnt from testing, in certain African countries, the Strategic Policy Framework for Non-Formal Education as part of a holistic, integrated and diversified approach to lifelong learning.
The WGNFE believes that the ideal state of affairs in education would be to recognize that all types of education have equal worth, whatever the target group, method of delivery or sub-sector. They are all part of lifelong learning, interact dynamically and productively with one another, and deserve to be esteemed, supported, linked and coordinated as part of a holistic, integrated and diversified approach to education. 2. The WGNFE, in collaboration with the GIZ (formerly the GTZ)has thus drawn up a Strategic Policy Framework for Non-Formal Education as part of a holistic, integrated and diversified approach to lifelong learning. To implement this new approach, it will be necessary to simultaneously pursue four strategic priorities, which are set out in a matrix comprising the ideal situation for each priority and sub-priority. The four priorities are: (i) to take ownership and promote the approach, (ii) to improve governance and introduce education reform, (iii) to develop appropriate and lasting financing mechanisms, and (iv) to develop research, promote innovation and introduce to scale.