Cost effective approaches to quality: essential inputs in a context of rare resources
Based on the meta-analysis of assessments of the learning experiences, the cost effective approach considers the cost of inputs and their effects on the end results of the learning experience. Although the study is admittedly limited since it does not include processes and contexts, it nonetheless provided a framework for thought on investment options when resources are scarce. The following questions are considered: (i) duration of pre-service training for teachers, (ii) increased emphasis on in-service training for teachers, (iii) priority to providing school textbooks, (iv) lack of effectiveness of expensive school construction, (v) limited effect of increasing student enrolment figures up to a certain level, (vi) questions on the effectiveness of inspections, (vii) the importance of development programmes for early childhood, (viii) the positive effects of food programmes for students and literacy programmes for parents, and, (ix) doubtful value of repeating classes