Extending Basic Education, Expanding Secondary Education
This report, produced with the help of Madagascar's national education team in 2006-07, is designed to contribute to ongoing education reform discussions. It analyzes the constraints to system expansion and presents possible next steps for an...
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Conference paper
The Gambia has been providing nine years of uninterrupted education, exclusive of the pre-school years. A major challenge posed by these shifts has been to diffuse and reconcile, in a sustained manner, the tensions between expanding access to all...
Document format
Conference paper
the policies and strategies adopted by Zimbabwe immediately after independence in 1980 showed huge successes in terms of transforming the elitist system which only catered for 4% of black students into a mass education system which catered for some...
Document format
Conference paper
The post-independence years were marked by the launching of a series of educational reforms designed to instate national sovereignty, correct what had been perceived as defects in the colonial system of education and take up the new challenges which...
Document format
Conference paper