Relevance of selected African lower secondary education curricula for pupils' future life and work
The study explores elements in the written (intended) curriculum of ten sub-SaharanAfrican countries (Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Congo-Brazaville,Kenya, Mali, Mauritius, Mozambique, Senegal, South Africa) that can beassociated with the development of competences for life and work in basiceducation (primary, and especially lower secondary stages). In addition, thestudy documents also experiences of fostering life and work competences indeveloped societies, such as United Kingdom (England) and Australia. Based on?the comparative analysis of curriculum frameworks and syllabuses for differentlearning areas (especially in the so-called ""carrier-subjects""), the study highlightsthe countries' achievements in linking learning objectives, content, processesand outcomes to current (and future) developments in social life and the worldof work. It equally discusses different types of short-comings in addressing thedevelopment of competences for life and work, as well as effective ways thecurriculum may encourage, and contribute to the preparation of children andyoung to take part in private, professional and public life successfully. Recommendationsare being provided with regard to how education stakeholders mayenhance the potential of formal curricula to contribute to effective preparation forlife and work in today's (and tomorrow's) world based on sharing and learningfrom one another. A glossary of relevant terminology has been added to helpclarifying some of the most impor-tant conceptual and methodological aspectspertaining to the research design, process and outcomes