Reinforcing Responsibilities and Capacity-Building of Schools and Communities in View of Improving Student Performance
A school project is a contractual process through which stakeholders agree to put their educational plans into formal terms in a «school contract that sets forth the school's goals, determines its requirements and the resources needed, and sets...
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Conference paper
Direct assistance to schools is a mechanism in which lump-sum subsidies are granted to all public schools on the basis of a financing formula based on the number of pupils enrolled and the number of classes per school. Once the education ministry...
Document format
Conference paper
n the last decade, local, state and national parent associations (PAs) have become more involved in activities to promote education in Africa, with the growing recognition that PAs are important institutional partners in efforts to support EFA and...
Document format
Conference paper
This study is based on analysis of the situation, role and actions in support of schools of parents' associations and communities in five countries: Burkina Faso, Niger, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo and Senegal. It examines...
Document format
Conference paper
The critical analysis of the performance of countries in the South towards the achievement of the objectives set at the education For All (AFA) Forum in Dakar confirms that present key concerns remain the necessity of quality education.Very often,...
Document format
Conference paper