ICTs as instruments for development, sustainable policies and efficient practices for education in Africa
After being presented with the University of Paris XIII's 2005 business start-upaward, Mr ANOMA- KANIE and Mr LUVULUZU decided to set up a network which can be used by engineers, research scientists and R&D workers to exchangeinformation, as well as a computer healthcare training network.This structure includes a biomedical module which can be used by professionals,creators and research workers in the field of biomedical equipment tocommunicate wherever they are; they can communicate, exchange and depositrecords of their findings in a personal account, for which they are appropriatelypaid according to the principle of «more pay for more work» on a qualitative,confidential basis, while contributing to the vocational training of professionalsand the communication of epidemiological and other information; all this ispossible wherever the actors and patients may be located.This approach solves the problems associated with inaccessible regions, withoutbypassing regional actors and without overloading specialists with work. Atest platform has therefore been set up providing telemedical and teletrainingservices between France and Africa, Europe and the rest of the world