Financial sustainability as a reference for the development of post-primary education in sub-Saharan Africa
Since the sub-Saharan African countries anticipate a substantial increasein the numbers of youths completing primary education, they will haveto define strategies for meeting this challenge, while at the same time, highrates of unemployment are occurring among higher educational graduates inmany countries.Simulations were carried out using a model to determine the logistic and financial sustainability of various strategies involving combinations of options between i) quantitive factors (in terms of the coverage of the first secondarycycle and processes of continuity versus discontinuity with the subsequent educational levels, ii) the services provided, the modes of organization and the unit costs (defining a flexible indicative framework with either a more ""favour able option or a more ""economic"" option and the adjustments required depending on the level of development of the country, how rural it is, etc.), and iii) funding possibilities (the level of budget priority corresponding to the sector and the rate of private funding).