Articulation between upper secondary and higher education in Cote d'Ivoire
This study is a contribution to promoting quality education in Côte d'Ivoire. Theaim is to assess the present system in terms of the articulation between uppersecondary education and higher education in this country.The aspects of this topic studied here are the quality of the education dispensed,pupils' mobility to higher education, the vocational training supply, the bridgesavailable and the systems of assessment applied. This analysis was based onmonographs, official texts (both currently applied and forthcoming texts, and experiments of various kinds.The results show that far from being on the road to improvement (despite theefforts made by the public authorities), the modes whereby these two levels ofteaching are linked up are rather unsatisfactory on the whole. The need for proper methods of articulation has arisen, along with the needto link up the ""3-5-8"" system (which it is intended to introduce) with the competence-based system of vocational training currently applied at secondaryeducational level