Presentations on the Development of Post-Primary Education
The Secondary Education in Africa (SEIA) Synthesis Report, At the Crossroads:Challenges for Secondary Education and Training in sub-Saharan Africa, is theculmination of a multi-year SEIA work program. It is based on outputs fromSEIA Regional...
Document format
Conference paper
Since Jomtien (1990) and after Dakar's Forum on EFA (2000) most of the stakeholders have invested mainly in primary education, and carried out reforms in lower and upper secondary levels without looking at education as a system in a holistic...
Document format
Conference paper
Presented by the Chairman of CONFEMEN this paper was based on the results of a survey on the various aspects of secondary education and several political forums on the dynamics of partnerships promoting the governance of educational establishments...
Document format
Conference paper
The African Economic Outlook reviews technical skills development systems across 35 African countries, exploring challenges, bottlenecks, highlighting good practices, and identifying priorities for further policy-oriented. This paper focuses on the...
Document format
Conference paper