Preparing Children for School: The Role of Holistic Practices in the Early Years of Learning
Where early childhood is concerned, Africa faces a number of challenges: (i) improving the quality of pre-primary education; (ii) broadening the supply of education and diversifying the services provided; (iii) defining education policy, including...
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Conference paper
Formal education introduced early in the 19th century was not well received by the people of Karamoja. Opposition to formal education was heightened when reading and writing (the pen) symbolized the registration of people who were conscripted into...
Document format
Conference paper
To promote early childhood development, Senegal has developed a national program called the Case des Tout-petits ("Toddler's Corner") targeting children 0 to 6 years old from the poorest population groups, rural areas and urban slums...
Document format
Conference paper
This discussion paper examines the impact of various pre-school models in promoting school readiness and effective transition from pre-schools to primary education programs in Kenya. Focusing on the findings from the school readiness study done in...
Document format
Conference paper