La gestion scolaire et la réussite éducative - Études de cas au sein de seize écoles africaines - Synthèse des rapports nationaux de la Guinée, du Mali, de la République Centrafricaine et du Sénégal
This study examines the characteristics of school management in 16 schools located in four African countries (Guinea, Mali, Central African Republic and Senegal). Despite difficult conditions, these schools obtained higher pass rates than other schools in their areas. Field surveys showed that the school teams interviewed were made up of people committed to and mobilized for the success of their pupils, and that the management of these schools was clearly able to rally and empower staff. Thus, despite the different contexts, policies and directions in these countries, it must be recognized that the basic unit of educational activity is indeed the individual school, and that it is within the school that the processes leading to increased scholastic success for all will, or will not, be established. Central to these dynamics are a number of exemplary management practices that play a significant role in pupil success in particular, and the effectiveness of the school in general.