Rearranging and consolidating spaces for horizontal dialogue in view of the contributions of PTAs and communities to the achievement of EFA goals

This study is based on analysis of the situation, role and actions in support of schools of parents' associations and communities in five countries: Burkina Faso, Niger, Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo and Senegal. It examines the real contribution of parents' associations to the education system and the tools, resources and skills that need to be developed to make them more effective. Today, parents' associations play a limited role in managing the educational and administrative affairs of schools. Generally speaking, they have very little in the way of infrastructure and logistical resources despite the financial contributions of parents. Nevertheless, parents' associations and local communities have the potential for broader action and participation in terms of social cohesion, community ownership of schools, better monitoring of children's schooling, and improved performance of both teachers and pupils. This is thus a worthwhile challenge, and the study explores means of meeting it, in a new approach to dialogue between the school and the surrounding community, notably including parents' associations.

Informations générales
More and Better Education:Wht makes effective learning in schools, in literacy and ECD programs?
Numéro de série: 
Session B4
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Activités de l'ADEA: 
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