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ADEA Clearinghouse
Publications and Documents Database (1991-2013)
Recent documents
(Une bibliographie sur l'édition et la chaîne du livre en Afrique subsaharienne – 1997)
(Une bibliographie sur l'édition et la chaîne du livre en Afrique subsaharienne – 1997)
Submitted on Sunday, 19 January 2014
Last updated on Sunday, 11 June 2017
General informations
ZELL, Hans M.
Perspectives sur le développement du livre africain No3
Serial number:
ISBN:1-901830-04-7, eng
Document format:
Document type:
Publications ADEA
ADEA Activities:
GT sur les livres et le matériel éducatif (GTLME)
Industrie de l'édition
Release date:
Available versions
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ADEA Biennale, 2003
ADEA Biennale, 2006
ADEA Biennale, 2008
ADEA Newsletter
ADEA Secretariat
ADEA Triennale, 2012
WG on Books and Learning Materials (WGBLM)
WG on Communication for Education and Developement (WGCOMED)
WG on Communication for Education and Development (WGCOMED)
WG on Distance Education and Open Learning
WG on Early Childhood Development (WGECD)
WG on Education Management and Policy Support (WGEMPS)
WG on Education Research and Policy Analysis (WGERPA)
WG on Education Sector Analysis (WGESA)
WG on Education Statistics (WGES)
WG on Female Participation (FAWE)
WG on Finance and Education (WGFE)
WG on Finance and Education (WGFE)
WG on Higher Education (WGHE)
WG on Non-Formal Education (WGNFE)
WG on School Examinations
WG on Teaching Profession (WGTP)
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Assessing and taking stock of the quality of education in Africa
Common core skills for lifelong learning and sustainable development in Africa
Conference papers
Conference proceedings
Curriculum for Post-Primary Education
Decentralization and diversification: the role of civil society and communities
Decentralization and participation of civil society
Distance Education and Open Learning
ECD Programs that Can Be Scaled Up
Educational quality in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) at issue
Effective Literacy Programs
Effective Schools and Quality Improvement
Extending Basic Education, Expanding Secondary Education
External partnerships: financing and knowledge sharing
Financing and Infrastructure
Gender Issues in Post-Primary Education
HIV/AIDS and the quality of education
How is quality ensured elsewhere ?
Implementing reforms in schools and classrooms
Innovations for Equitable Access
Introductory Presentations
Issues of Quality and Relevance of Post-Primary Education
Issues of Validation, Assessment, Articulation, and the role of National Qualification Frameworks
Lifelong acquisition of scientific and technological knowledge and skills
Lifelong technical and vocational skills development
Mathematics, Science, Technologies and ICT in Post-Primary Education
National Qualification Frameworks, Recognition of Prior Learning and Competencies
Non-Formal Education
Plenary sessions
Policy options and options for financing quality
Presentations of the Analytical Work on Post-Primary Education
Presentations on the Development of Post-Primary Education
Professional development of teachers
Public-Private Partnerships
Reinforcing the relevance and efficiency of learning
Reinforcing the relevance and efficiency of learning
Round Table in plenary session: Issues of Access and Equity
Round Table in plenary session: Issues of Policy & Governance and Costs & Financing
Skills Development in General Education
Skills Development in Technical and Vocational Education and Training
Teacher development at the center of pedagogical renewal
Teacher Issues in Post-Primary Education
Transitions between secondary school and higher learning: policy and cgovernance
Transitions Between Upper Secondary and Higher Education
Document types
Adea Publications
Biennial/triennial studies