Conference paper
Direct assistance to schools is a mechanism in which lump-sum subsidies are granted to all public schools on the basis of a financing formula based on the number of pupils enrolled and the number of classes per school. Once the education ministry...
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Conference paper
This paper reviews the results of these alternative educational solutions since 1995, particularly as regards access and gender parity, and discusses the prospects of taking them to scale.
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Conference paper
This paper addresses a key issue in basic education, the difficulties that children experience adapting to school and attendant high repetition rates in first grade. This will be addressed from two perspectives, the readiness of children as they...
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Conference paper
In a nutshell, quality of education cannot be achieved without addressing the gender dimension. The Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE) has over the past five years been exploring the concept of a gender responsive school through the...
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Conference paper
The paper begins with research findings, follows with a section on the methodology used to identify complementary education programs and closes with a preliminary discussion on identifying quality indicators in complementary models.
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Conference paper
Achieving the goals of Education For All will require that countries more effectively meet the educational needs of the segments of their populations currently least able to access and succeed in school. Complementary education programs are...
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Conference paper
The Family Literacy Project is a small non government organization (NGO) from rural KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. In most societies children grow up with their parents or a close family member, a grandparent or aunt. These adults, along with older...
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Conference paper
Where early childhood is concerned, Africa faces a number of challenges: (i) improving the quality of pre-primary education; (ii) broadening the supply of education and diversifying the services provided; (iii) defining education policy, including...
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Conference paper
This paper highlights programme issues from an Early Childhood program (ECD) that is being implemented in Uganda by a local Non Governmental Organization (NGO) called Action For Children (AFC). The paper highlights the importance of Early Childhood...
Document format
Conference paper
A household survey conducted in 2002 reveals that 45.8% of children do not live with their fathers. The study presents the situation in the various ethnic groups and the emotional, psychological and cultural impact on children. It discusses the...
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Conference paper