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Volume 9, Number 4:
October - December 1997

Focus: ADEA Biennial Meeting (Dakar, October 14-18, 1997)

ADEA holds Biennial Meeting in Africa for the first time

Two Heads of State Open the Biennial Meeting

Summary of the Seventh Meeting of the Caucus of African Ministers of Education

Quotes from Dakar - What They Said·

Pan-African Seminar on the Financing and the Financial Management of Education


What kind of school and what kind of development do we want? What resources are
necessary? What should international financial institutions do to encourage andsupport education policies in Africa?

Upcoming Events

10th World Congress of Comparative Education - Cape Town, South Africa (July 12-17, 1998)

The views and opinions expressed in authored articles of the ADEA Newsletter are those of the authors and should not be attributed to ADEA or to any other organization or individual.

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Association for the Development of Education in Africa
7-9 rue Eugène-Delacroix
75116 Paris, France
Tel: + 33/ (0)
Fax: + 33/ (0)

Last modified: March 14, 2001